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Hey there! Thanks for giving the link to the forum. It's the chmod that helped me run it. It was a permission issue, I suppose.

Snippet that worked for me:

To fix this, you have to use Terminal to navigate your way into the file and unlock the permission settings that were changed due what we believe is from the compression.

I honestly can't remember where I found this code and when I remember I'll be sure to credit them, but with terminal you need to navigate to the download folder (or wherever you put your app) and add the following:

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/

and add the following:

chmod -R 777 [applicationName].app

Did you have an issue where the app wasn't recognised? I keep getting the message ' zsh: no such file or directory: TheLastStar_V1.0 '. If you have had that issue did you find a way to get around it?

(1 edit)

Hmmmm no, I didn't have that problem.

How about deleting the app then redownload it?

When you redownload it, try to unpack the app then copy it to the Applications folder.

After that open a terminal where you will chdir to the Applications folder then do the chmod.

At least that's what worked on me.

If it helps, I'm using Mac OS Monterey.