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-sync fps should be on by default

-inconsistent face graphics

-retry battle on first fight crash the game

-everyone use battle aftermath on mz, theres a bug that is still not fixed to this day that makes it takes forever to load

-recovers a some health

-weakness indicator dont show any info

-state indicator is smaller than the weakness indicator, id swap both

-jena rotation is miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss

-guard is completely useless it looks like it get removed right after then tank gets one shotted

-map bug 1:02:00

-firestorm say damage all enemies, only 1 got hit//other skill did the same thing l have no idea what is happening anymore*some kind of immune maybe, its really not clear

-no description on guardian angel

-magic barrier says boost def when its actually mdf

-exact same battle over and over and over isnt fun

-why would a shout cost mana

-l odnt even care about my mp/dp l seem to have an infinite amount of it

-enemy does fire shield even though he has it already

-assassin boss just die in 2 ults

-game crash when exiting rogue den

-way too many actors at this point l just removed the 2 last ones because their ability were bad

-even though l could use 5 actors, l used 4 and the priest was the easiest fight of the game

-0 strategy, every fight is the same. full buff full debuff and use ult if not dead spam attack after.

-no explanation of what enemy states do. burning buff full heal the enemy then almost 1 shotted my whole party with aoe wtf is that kind of balance

-90% of skills are useless or dont even work properly, blind for example didnt work more than half of the time without any explanation so l just stopped using it

-seem the game is getting worse and worse with balance issues at every new part so l just stopped for now.