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its a cool game, a very nice one, everything is so detailed and awesome, just one problem... so much dialog, so much talking, it really, is a chore, i can handle text, but come on, sprinkle more sexy in between, damn, its a very nice game, it just needs more... sexy


This game is a Visual Novel and based from OnceinaLifetime, which is they're previous game, it's more focused on story than sexy time. Also, it's only 3 chapters, gotta wait for the story to keep forming and character start opening up.


This is meant to be a story-driven novel, if you're expecting a game with a lot of sex scenes and little text, you probably won't enjoy it.

If that's the only thing you're looking for, I'd recommend coming back after several updates have been released, since there will be a lot of scenes by then! ^^