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(1 edit)

what sizes do you usually use? i wanna start posting my own covers soon but i keep making it super small

I just use, and save the image of it at the default 10x per pixel.

nice, i use

where have you been are you dead?

tbh i find pixel art maker very difficult, when i use pencil mode it doesnt let me change the colour. the website does need more work tho

you have to manually change it 

Top one does idk

Next one is a your basic "copy and move" tool

3rd is the pencil tool

4th is straight line tool

5th is paint bucket

6th is eraser tool

7th s color changer, you manually go thru the colors and shades 

8th is your basic color picker, if you click on an already existing color with it, then you get that color

9th is saving images

10th is a tool that changes how the grid looks, 

I prefer this option where is shows the little dot backdrop and has the colors completely solid, no borders.

11th clears entire canvas, but if you want to just quickly get rid of certain areas, using the copy tool can be used to highlight over parts of drawings, and pressing backspace deletes the drawings in that spot, neat huh?

12th I assume undos? I just use ctrl + z

ok ty