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it IS true though, you despise it and pity it despite it being a fact. i don't care about you advertising though, i just want you to stop being rude. i dont care if you keep advertising, i just want you to be kinder.

so you think being kind can just happen in one snap?

No, that's why you need to work on being kinder and accepting hate more easily, rather than letting t consume you.

well you can start by not insulting people just because they simply asked you to stop advertising, you can start by just not insulting people in general, it's not like you can't edit your words, either because we AREN'T talking, we're writing and you can easily change your words by just double clicking and retyping

ok? never asked

what about you never asking? does you never asking change the fact that you've been insulting so many people? does it change the fact that you've been rude?