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please reflect on your previous actions, and rethink what you have said to borb. it was very unjustified as well because borb was just being nice and asking you to stop kindly

just shut up you dont know what im going through in life

He's asking you to reflect, kevin isn't even being rude about it. Your just going to make a new enemy if you go at people super aggressively.


just fuck off

you are aware that you are just being plain rude now, right? all because somebody was just saying kindly for you to stop advertising

fine then. so your basically stopping me from becoming what i wanna become in the future. wow so nice

No, the main thing is that 96% of what you do here is advertise, an it takes me telling you to interact with the community for you to actually do so. 

no it doenst

Yes, a majority of the time I do have to, out of the handful of posts you made here, a majority of them are advertising, or arguing. Only a small amount of them aren't either of those. 

mhm, yeah sure, mhmmmm *cough *cough

using that as a excuse for your actions is not a very good argument, that was not the point i was making at all but your taking it to that level. this could've stopped a few messages ago if you just made a simple apology. i have not said at all that you should stop making games however you are saying it like i have. all i want is for you to stop yelling at people but you clearly think i mean something else because you got "stopping you from making games" from that

i'm not even saying that you should stop advertising, as that doesn't bother me. i'm just saying you shouldnt be rude to people who do get bothered by it, and even then be nice about it. you've harassed somebody to the point of quitting, don't you see that?

(1 edit)

taking out your feelings on yelling on somebody is not a justified way of taking out feelings, it is just making it worse and making you a bad person. i am sorry if that was rude, but the point is please stop being rude to people


thank you