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(1 edit)

Sorry for the even longer reply. XD


  • Fine Wine (Req: Only during evening visit)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Harness, Collar, Leash (Req: Walk event done)


  • Lube (Req: Doing discount scene)


  • Big Black Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)
  • Canine Shaped Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set
  • Big Black Dildo/Canine Shaped Dildo/Equine Shaped Dildo
'No-horny’ potion set WORKSHOP Learn Restrain potion; Learn Restrain potion (Strong); Learn Lust-relief powder
Big Black Dildo BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Canine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Equine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Exotic Coffee BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fine Wine BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Flower Arrangement BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fruit Tea BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Harness TRACK DOMINATE or SUBMIT to Fat Bandit
Lube BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Leash TORBEN’S HOUSE Shop
Spiky Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Tank Top STANDS Clothes

I know some parts are difficult to understand, but I want know If using this table without other explanations, you think you could understand how to gain Logan's hearts or if it's too cryptic. 

-Discourage him 5L BC5Cd LI2
O WEREWOLVES ATTACK ON BARESHADE Day 30; Learn Wolf’s bane; Wait 1 Day; Wolf’s bane: 2; 20:00-24:00 FM07 LI3
-Help Logan 10L Discourage him FM07l LI4
--Stay close to him First H LI5
U FAIR O ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD-Assure him you want it 3L LII1wx
O BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU More homes (2);Wait 7 Days LII1wy
O Local watchman (4) Logan and Blake Improving Bareshade’s defences; Wait 15 days LII1wz
O WAIT FOR THE ORC -Offer him to rest back at your place Talk with the prisoner-Yes, give him the key LII1x0
O LAST DAY AT THE WORKSITE PARTY AT THE WORKSITE; Sleep until morning; 6:00-12:00 LII1x1
O CLASH WITH BARREL Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LII1y
A Ask about his work +1LU7 Str:12 LII1z
-Let him in LII3
-xxx-Stop him LII4
-xxx--Grab his hand Second H LII5

No there is no sex with Korg without negative effects. I think Tank will be developed in the far future (like at least one year form now) since is hinted that he's half-human and I suspect he's half-giant and that the giants live in the north-eastern region.

omg, thank you so much for your reply!! About the hearts with Logan, I think that reading your table I can understand what I should have done, but I think that maybe it won't be possible to get the hearts without reseting because I did the missions in a really wrong order and then some options didn't show up to me, like I made the worksite but I didn't go the last day so I didnt get the "PARTY AT THE WORKSITE" and the "I OWE YOU A BEER" didn't show up to me either. For the gifts, I dont go a lot to Northcreast and I completlely forgot about the brothel, I would never get the gifts without your help lol and about Korg, that's too bad, he actually its my favorite, maybe in the future when they finish the orc war arc we will have more scenes with him and it will be nice to get more of Tank in the future too. Anyway, thank you so much for taking your time to help me, I really appreciated.   

You need to reset only if you have encouraged him to go to the bandits' camp or if you followed Bernard during the werewolves' attack. If the heart column has numbers you need to follow that order, if has x,y,z there is no order but you need to do everything. PARTY AT THE WORKSITE is part of the NEW ROAD event. I've made an error and it should be STE MEETS LOGAN, that happens at the end of the event. 

I'm making a guide and those tables are part of it, but I'm afraid it's confusing. For example the devlog states: 

Event: ‘I owe you a beer’ - entering your new home (Req: Evening, Bareshade's Expansion event completed, Ste’s New Farm Road completed, ‘Clash with Barrel’ seen, ‘Ask about his work’ done with helping, Like 40, Love 1)

And I don't know if you can understand it clearly.

Thank you and you're welcome. If you have more questions I'll answer them.

Maybe it would help make a little bit less confusing if you put in the table just like you answered above, the first table that you replied to me without the context of the x,y,z made me kind lost, but seeing your reply above gave me more understanding and was a more easy way to understand, even if would make the content on the table more long it would help people to understand better and even answer some question that they could have in the future. For example, you gave me the information that to get to "I owe you a Beer" a need to have Ste new farm road and I didn't have done it yet, and in the first table I dind't get this information, but putting more information (like what events you need to have completed before you can achieve something and what you need to do to get to these events it would help a lot).

Another quest that I have is whaht do you need to do to get "Clash with Barrel"?

I'm doing a "guide to the guide" sheet, so when it's ready the x,y,z problem should be resolved: I wanted to test if, even without an explanation, I could be efficient in responding. Next time I'll make sure to copy part of the explanation. 

For the "I owe you a beer" the events you have to complete are stated in the table: First Heart; L40; CLASH WITH BARREL; LAST DAY AT THE WORKSITE; STE MEETS LOGAN; ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD; BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU; Local watchman (4); Evening; RNG.

STE MEETS LOGAN is the scene that ends the new road event, ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD; BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU; Local watchman (4); are the scenes/talk that end the tair, the houses and the watchtower. It's definitely better if I add more rows stating that.

For the clash with Barrel scene the table states: Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; End "White Moon" Event; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG.

The devlog states: 

Event: ‘Clash with Barrel’ - entering bar in Bareshade (Req: RNG, Evening, Normal Logan, Werewolf event done, Bandits morale at least 25)

Part of the original table is like this

-Ask if the bartender is telling the truth [1D] Harold
-Say that it’s none of your business 2D
-Ask Arion if he can pay for the beer
--Suggest Arion works for the beer 2L
--Offer to pay for the beer 3L
O CLASH WITH BARREL DISCOURAGE HIM; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LII1y

So when I use the filter to select rows that have text in the heart the information is lost. I will copy-paste TAVERN – ENTER THE TAVERN in the CLASH WITH BARREL row so when I use the filer this information remains. 

Thanks for your feedback, It was very usefull!

I thought that was the case about the "x,y,z" but I decide to say it anyway in case that was not the case. Even without the information I think I could understand most things, only the Ste route and I thought that it had to happen in a certain order or it wouldn't happen so I was thinking about reseting, but now I think I understand better. The only thing that I'm not being able to do its the clash with barrel, but I already have 2 hearts and 90L, my reputation with the bandits it's 100, the werewolf event is done, the only two thing I don't know for certain are if I have "normal logan" and "RNG" that honestly I don't know what it means, but even with 90L and 2 hearts we still have made sex, so we can't have sex with Logan in the normal route? sorry for annoying you with so many questions

 I still have some more questions, I don't know if it's invasive to ask and I don't want you to feel pressured, and I don't even know if you would have the answers to my questions but if you could talk to me in some other plataform I think it would be better than to flood you here with my questions but if you don't have problem and prefer to only answer here it's fine by me. Either way, thak you again :D I'm happy to help, I'm dumb so if you want to use me to see if it's understandable it's fine by me, if I can understand probably most people can lol

If you have 2 hearts with Logan you already did clash with Barrel. Normal Logan, Top Logan and discouraged Logan are the same thing. RNG means that the event it's random and if it doesent happen the first tima you have to exit and enter the tavern a few time. In the normal route you can't have sex with him, unless you want him to hate you. You're not annoying, don't worry, and it's not invasive, ask as many questions you want. If you have furaffinity you can find me by the name "Ben.Dover", otherwise responding here for me is ok.

(1 edit)

 Thank you! I don't have furaffinity so I will ask here as u said it was fine for u. First of all, are you a developter of this game? I'm asking this because you said something about getting more Tank maybe one year from here, and I didn't know if this was just a guest based on the story or if you are in contact with Hyao and know where the story is leading, if you know where the story is leading I would like to know, if it's possible, what will be the next part/event that is going to be the focus of the next updates or if we can know this kind of things somewhere, like if Hyao post in discord or something like this, what is going to be updated in the next chapters. I'm very intrigued by the demon that made us give him the green gem from the lizards and the Orc Vs Northcrest situation hahha

 Another question is about Dulriq, in this stage of the game can we have sex with him? because I have already bought the gift for him but I can't give it to him yet (I only have 15 likes and doing his job doesn't make he likes me, so I dont know if 15 is the current limit for him or if I'm missing something).

 About the gloryhole on Ste farm, I already made it and waited the 15 days but everytime that I go there and wait nothing happens, so it's a wip kind of thing or you have to do something before going there? and Ste it's like korg where we can do some stuff but we don't get to have sex yet? he already have come to my house but I invited Korg with us forgetting that Korg and us don't have sex in this current version, so maybe if Korg wasn't there we could have sex with Ste or even without Korg we can't have him?

 I was wondering about our home on the city, the only people that can go there it's Caleb, Feliar and Barrel? 

 About the new update, I can't get the "clearence level" with Everett and the only thing missing on the req it's the orc report/blackmail, but I dont know how to get this orc thing, I already finished the northcrest consiracy, the orc war event and witnessed him have sex with Gryzli or Gritzy (I know this is not his name but it's the only thing I remember lol) but when I talk to him this situation doesn't came up as a topic, so I don't know if the report it's about something else that I haven't witnessed or if it's something that I did wrong. 

 Sorry for this bunch of questions I know it's a lot and I appreciate all the time that you took to answer me, thank you for helping me!

You're welcome!

I'm not a developer mine are only speculations given that I suspect that there are giants (among other races) on the other side of the mountain in the nort-east of the place. I know that patreons have access to the newest version a month before the public release. You can see what Narram (one of the artist ) is working on his twitter. Hyao as a discord but I'm not familiar with it.

Dulrig can top you but you can't top him for now. You should be able to unlock sex scenes and more likes after giving him 5 glafire stone and 5 emerine crystal.


You need to have the Groth’s scouting mission talk with Orgram an than go to the plains of death to unlock the clearance level talk.

If you have other questions ask!

I already done the scout mission I think, it's the one where you need to go to the sanctuary and pay a tribute, right? if so, I already did it and still it hasn't unlocked the clearence talk. And the gloryhole with Ste, I still dind't understand based on your reply if it's a wip or if it has some scenes but I didn't unlocked then, and if that's the case what we got to do to  unlock the scenes?