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(1 edit)

I've barely even started playing and I already freakin' love this  thing

Also, though I haven't even played for more than like, 10 minutes, I've already noticed a theme in the music choices ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  👌👌👌

Forreals tho, I think I'm having more fun playing this than I have in a while hahah. I love the dialogue so far, and thE sASS is kIL LI NG  M E??? It's grEAT

(Also also:  😂 I'm lovin' the name 💦💦💦™ )

Also,, may I ask what the book is called?

lmao I can't remember the book I read at all. I'd read SO many of those trashy vampire/wizard/occult-type romance books I couldn't keep track skjfkjsdf. I think the author started with an H? It was pretty much about some girl who goes to some summer camp but it turns out everyone is a vampire/werewolf/wizard etc. and i can't remember anything else about it hjfdskjfg.

Thanks for the kind words! OwO