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I mean the reason that the herbalist is a blank humanoid shape is to allow you to imagine them as you'd like but I imagine my male herbalist as a young guy with a medium height tan skin, shoulder length curly black hair and dark brown eyes with a somewhat beefy body but like the type of beefy you get due to doing physical labor rather than exercise and sometimes I just feel like changing the way he looks to a black guy with the same age and height but instead of shoulder length hair he has a very long braided hair that's the same colour of his other appearance and same eyes and more of a swimmer's build, his clothes is normally what I have equipped, also both versions have a messy beard. As for my female herbalist I imagined them like female versions of the male versions I described they have the same height as their male counterpart though the equivalent of the first appearance instead of being beefy is more toned with some pretty serious muscle game starting to show and the counterpart to the second appearance is pretty much the same as her counterpart. The appearances I described keep switching between themselves and I have no control over it so I just imagine that the cosmic powers the herbalist possesses makes them keep shifting between forms and nobody but me realizes. Funny enough the first appearance is based on myself irl with some creative liberty since I have the body build closer to the second form.


For some reason I imagine my MC to look like that one guy who gets fucked by a Ratkin in the mines.