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Is it possible to implement a "penis size" feature(you select your own size) or would it be too difficult at the game's current state? Maybe at the end after all the other more important stuff gets done? Maybe some unique reactions to the size as well. Normal size would be all the reactions now, and then the size difference would have different routes. Yeah I'm asking for too much! 😂 Ignore me haha

Love the game btw, SO MUCH time and work has been put into the game clearly! Fantastic work of art, truly! 


Male: Cute<Normal<Hung/Massive

I don't think many females play but I suppose you could do the same with breasts. 


Sounds not like a bad idea... if you play as a bottom then it won't matter much, but I think it still matters a lot more for dominant top players?

All the sexy scenes may change involving your dick size and that means a lot of (extra) (re)writing...

ooo what about a path changer that depending on the size of your penis it will decide if you become the bottom for the character(Logan) or you become the top for the character(Logan) XD

ah.. yeah I think that would still need some more extra writing... and I don't think Hyao wants to add more when he's finished the game :p