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Being real honest. I tried out this game out of boredom, not really expecting much of it.

Ended up getting completely caught up in the story, playing the whole game through and tearing up at the end. 

Words cannot convey just how much care, time and passion you can feel was put in this game. Out of the many, many things I loved of this game, the one that stands out the most is how descriptive it is - every single handhold, hug, interaction... you can visualize it in your mind without struggle. It just feels so natural and fluid. The relationship is portrayed so well that while playing you almost feel like an intruder by how private and intimate it is. 

All I can say is just... bravo. To all the people that made, drew, wrote, or even just inspired this masterpiece. I hope there's gonna be more to it, but at the same time this story was closed so perfectly that opening it again would be the equivalent of adding new characters to The Last Supper. There's just no need to modify what is already a masterpiece. 

So all I can say to the developers is, please,

Never stop gifting wonderful experiences.
