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I feel very dumb playing this game, I don't know how to make any potion besides the lotion and the health potion. I am at day 66 and still can't wake the owner of the general store, I tried to find how to make the potions but didn't found anything, I found out a guide with some sreadsheets but even then they didn't have the missing ingredients of the options, can someone please help this dumb person lol

you just made an ingredient for that medicine potion, not the potion itself, i assume you were talking about spectral syrup?

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nope, I only made the healt potion, the spectral syrup I can't make it. To make the spectral you have to know how to make the blue and red pulp (which I don't know how to make it) and you need Heat Occisia (and I don't know where to collect this). To wake Bernard, do you need to have the spectral syrup? or is it another potion? 

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No you need to make the Spectral Sirup and in order to create that you do need to put the ingredients in the right order, so in the correct slot to craft it.

Pulp (Blue) in slot 1 and 5, Pulp (Red) in slot 3 and Heath Occisia in slot 2 and 4.

How to make the pulps? Put a blue berry in slot 1, 2 and 3 and then you can craft a blue pulp, same story for the red pulp but replace it with red berries.

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dear lord, I saw that you need it 3 berry to make the pulp, but I thought that you always needed to have 5 ingredients to make the potions and I was putting random things in the last 2 slots trying to make the right combination lol but thank you so much! 

Oh lol, no problem, now you can finally continue :)