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(1 edit) (+1)

Been loving this, but I feel like some things could be made more transparent.

- When giving the first glyph to a card, you have no clue with which berry the cost will increase.

- I feel like the harvest glyph doesn't stack with the tenacity glyph, if it does, the 50% chance of tenacity has failed to come through for the card with harvest about 15 times in a row (1 in 32.768 chance aka a 0.003% chance, in the case my brain is overstating it and its only failed lets say a conservative 8 times, that would still be a 1 in 256 or 0.39% chance). If it doesn't stack, whether intended to be this way or not, I have no way to know from the game itself. Maybe a more extensive glyph guide would help. (Perhaps in the same way the effectiveness chart is done, or simply showing a glyph and then next to it the glyphs that don't stack with it crossed out or something of the like)

- The tribute system feels inconsistent and as a player I feel like I didn't get any info on it except for how to use it. Is it better to tribute from a card with 7 atk than a card with 2 atk, or does it not matter? Same for Hp and Def.

Other than that, the obvious things come to mind when thinking of possible improvements: 

- More gens, I'd love to see gen 3 and 4 added, those featuring my 2 personal favorite starters and also being pretty good gens in general.

- More regions, meaning more gyms and leagues.

Other things that I can think of right now are:

- A different inventory+deck UI, meaning more card filters (i.e. showing just the filtered type) a multi sell option and such things that improve Quality of Life.

- Improving the gyms, I've seen a lot of gyms go completely away from their typing, kinda throwing out the gym typing theme.

- A rival potentially? Maybe for a higher difficulty? I'd love to be challenged by a rival at random, or before/after a gym. Just adds more gameplay and we all love to hate that one certain character, right? *Cough* Barry and Cheren, I'm talking about you two *cough*

I know this is a lot, but I'm just throwing out ideas and I know that it takes a lot of time and effort just to create a great game in the first place, but I couldn't comment and not throw out ideas, if only 1 of these even gets taken into consideration (from the not obvious ones) I'd consider it a success.

Anyways, once again, have been loving every second I've put into the game, thanks for putting it out there.

Edit: I have FINALLY seen tenacity work in harmony with harvest, so that is a big +.

(3 edits)

Thank you for all the feedback! It's definitely appreciated, and even though I currently don't have enough time for any big updates on the game, I'll keep all of these in mind for the future. Thank you!

Tenacity is supposed to work with Harvest. I'll look into it, thank you.