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Ok I've finished another run through the whole game. I've thankfully romanced Thyia, but how the hell do you romance Eva?

Raene is so much closer to Romance than Eva, all that's missing is the love confession.

I've saved at every decision point in the game. I can't for the life of me, see how we can jump into a relationship with Eva.

Lilly and Aven were only opened to incest after the memory wipe incident. Nadya is already very open to incest, but currently conflicted. So it makes sense we can't romance Nadya yet. 

But nothing I can see or think of should or could lead to a relationship with Eva by the end of Episode 12. 

There's no decisions with her before her kidnapping, and very few after.

So I'm hoping you "misspoke" when you said Raene and Nadya are the only two who can't be romanced yet because Eva makes no sense to me and I can't find any hidden scenes like the park with Thyia.

 On the bright side, I have noticed that We/MC are mentioned in the prophecy. There's no way we aren't the ship of chaos that's mentioned. We've swept like a storm from planet to planet sowing chaos and change wherever we went in search of our sister.