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Not a yotuber, but I liked the game :P

I finished Echo route after getting a game over twice (one because "the voice in my head" is a bad being who is obsessed to make me dance with some girl in halloween haha)

Anyway, I liked the story and liked it's lack of fanservice (for real, it's a pervert and unnecessary resource). Please update it to give us more and more endings and a longer story.

PS: Clicked on the characters name and realized they are based on creators from tapastic and viryse helped on creation *-* :O
Viryse: I like Extra Ordinary (if the character's hair in the game was black and green i would recognize in the same instant haha)
Yuu: Anti-social media is cool, I like it *-*
Echo: Nop, never heard about you, maybe I'll see your comics.
Engiru: I thing i heard about the toothpaste series, but never read it, maybe i will
(sorry, i got excited here)