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Good evening fellow people. My name is Quandale Dingle. I have been detained for various misdemeanours. Which include of the following: Battery on a police oficer, grand theft, Declaring a war on the country known as Italy, aswell as public nudity. I will be making my escape out of prison on the date of March 28th. After this, i will monarch the entirety of planet earth.

Fuck you.

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fuck you chromosomes to mars IQ in a pit

ayo what did quandale dingle do to you

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Know what? Fuck you. I'm leaving this crew when I wake up tomorrow. I'm tired of fucking haters everywhere I go. I dropped out of school just because of that. I've moved to many places, that's not home. So no, I don't live with my parents. I haven't done you guys a damn thing, why u gotta comment that muchh bullshit? I have feelings too, like everybody else on this planet. Since 1st grade people have been on me. Even the teachers. When I was 13, I started vaping, and other stuff. Also used to drink alot of saltwater, end up in fights, but I came out of it. And now i'm trying to be myself, and I still got hate. One of my family members died for not long ago too, so i'm really upset. I joined this group to make new friends, and this is what I get. Again, I haven't done u guys anything wrong, so why won't u just show some fuckings respect?