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(1 edit)

spotted a small contingency issue: even after breaking up Sarena phones with her GF in the living room.

One possible mitigation is to use the variable slv, 20 and higher marks the end of the relation.

Something like that in livingroom.rpy, around line 47++

label lrstalk:
    if sstep > 2:
        mc "Hey! How you doin'?"
        s "Just looking at my content's feedback."
        s "We've got so many comments!"
        s "I got some messages from girls that are asking me how can I take such a monster haha!"
        jump toliving
    if slv >= 20: # <- marks the break-up
        s "Shut up. I will not come back!"         "" "[sn] is talking with her ex. Let's get out of here, she'll be mad afterwards."         jump toliving     s "Rhooo why are you always so mad at me?!"     s "Stop yelling!"     "" "[sn] is talking to her girlfriend on her computer."