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Hey OrthelloDev, I played your game couple of days ago. This was my first time playing, my previous experience with it was just watching the prettysober's stream for DD43.

I think all your UI looks really nice. I also thought your skybox is pretty.

I got out of the shed, found an axe, and hacked some monsters. I was able to level up, choose classes, and equip some abilities, but using them just played a sound, so my guess is they are not implemented. I think you also only have animaton for walking forward. I think I am going to be able to give better feedback the more the game grows. I know you want to do multiclassing, but maybe you should concentrate on one class for the time being. I'm just thinking you might want to be concentrating on too many things at the same time, but I am sure you got a plan.

Thank you for trying it this time! Yeah I think it is a lesson in scope for me, but I'm stubborn and committed to making it work. I really do need to focus on the core gameplay loop / combat but recently I've just been motivated on designing and implementing class features and talent trees. I think by next DD I should have some spells that can be used for a few classes. And no there is no plan :)