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(1 edit)

Some ideas I come up with:

- Reducing the amount of spawning chests to a minimun. So the player has to use luck, upgrade powerups or (the best way) increasing the difficulty by selecting the a harder map or selecting some modifiers. Harder maps should not spawn more chests but drop more gold. 

- it is ok to get overpowered on one map. Maps should be used to increase the difficulty (enemies with more health/ressistance/ abillities / ...) So if you get overpowered on map1 you would go to map2 and get slamed in the face but get more gold to upgrade. Maps where you are overpowerd would not get you enough gold to upgrade your powerups. 

- the performance of the game is not at the point where the modifications should alter the spawnrate. Modifications should increase the difficulty with some benefits like:

1. Enemies have XY more HP but the amount of gold increases by XY

2.Harder enemies spawn XY min earlier but you get higher XP drops ...

3.You can only choose between 2 upgrades (or 1) when leveling up but get ... increased

Possible progressroute:

O Get overpowered in map1

O select modifieres (map1) to get more gold to upgrade powerups further

Onow you are strong enough to try map2 (its harder and get you more gold then map1 with some modifiers)

O get overpowered in map2

O ...

- before you select a map ther are informations about it like difficulty (easy, medium, hard, nightmare, impossible, ...)

I'm adding a way to get gold directly into the skill card to make it easier for players to get gold


I think thats not neccessary right now. You get spammed with gold by increasing the luck attribute.

Luck only affects exp and chest opening rate.

oh, nice to know ^^. Does luck increase the chance of getting a gold chest with triple gold drop? 

that's also a good idea, in the next patch i will try to let luck affect the gold chest

In x2 monster mode, because the number of monsters spawns quickly, the chance to drop the chest is also higher

I tried it out and found it difficult to get gold chests in the early stages, so I thought it would be easier for new players to have an easier source of gold to buy powerups.

Never thought this way. Sounds like a good idea.