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The Only note I can think to give, is that this game is wayyyy too short for the story it's trying to tell. The romances happen too fast-- all except Ernol and Vadeyn for the most part, as you can get together right before the climax and your flirtations with them are a bit more subtle until the love confessions happen.

I think the only real problem this game has, is its length. There are some errors in the grammar, spelling and some words are missing but really I can ignore that. The story itself is interesting but nothing ever gets explained. Even at the end, like these other people in the comments, I'm entirely confused.

Are the Cutinah like from another dimension or something? What's going on there?

I know this games' themes are kind of dark, but we could've had at least a bit of explanation for what's going on. Characters we could've met-- like the person we bought our dress from.

She could've lamented that the situation in Gha'alia was bad and for what reasons while we were getting dressed and you could've learned more about the political situation.

Then, if you'd decided to go to the people to become popular, there could've been this whole series of scenes in which you talk to different civilians, finding out what they love and hate about living in Gha'alia. Figure out what the real problems are.

And to the Cuthintal, you could've found out whether or not the Cutinah were actually a threat or not-- and then made an entirely informed decision on whether or not to be selfish and live your life or lock yourself away for the sake of everyone you love.

I feel like I know nothing and like the romances were just a bit too fast. Those are really the only issues I have.

Otherwise, I liked the characters, I liked their interactions and their many different issues with each other, I just didn't get to see enough of it, you know?