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Got a Goblin to dance before failing to pick him up due to Time, I'll consider this a Victory.

I like the new early Days, and the addition of the Red extra Time, really helps getting used to it.

at some Point I was unable to dash anymore, I don't know if I accidentally disabled it or if it was a Bug or what.

I can see a lot better now where this is going then last DD,  Water is still pretty much a Death Sentence I think, once you're in it with the inability to jump out of and having to slowly walk to a designated exit spot, especially if you're past the intro Days ( which I wasn't).

The Room Menues are getting a bit clustered, I can really only suggest kind of interactable 3D Scenes there, I forgot if they were planned already or not.

Fun Game, has me interested in whats coming further in development.


Thanks for playing Tomodev. I remember you commenting about picking up Goblins in the last Demo Day - you don't pick them up.

You probably couldn't Dash, because you ran out of Mana.

You can disable the green slime pools which slow you down, and you are unable to jump from in Sealing Chamber. You can also give yourself more time, add more abilities, and more in there.

>The Room Menues are getting a bit clustered

Yeah, one way to solve it is splitting more information to even more different tabs, but I am not sure if that's going to make people miss out on them even more.