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Torture Ball

I made a small ball rolling game. It is my first game. · By David626, Ryan678, Maxyboi1666

Cool game

A topic by BoiFat created May 06, 2022 Views: 59 Replies: 1
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(2 edits)


Buuuuut, there are still some features I would like to be added if you are still updating the game.

  • A way to go back to the main menu, PLEASE I REGRET CLICKING NO CHECKPOINTS!!
  • After the second ramp, I usually could go really fast, and really high, and it just teleports me back! It's really annoying and caused me to reset multiple times. It's hard to resist not going super fast so... idk maybe increase ball gravity or something?
  • You tried to make me sleep in the nether? Wow... too far man... :(

But its still a pretty cool game, 4/10, the reason why its lower than the newest game is because... its not very creative. The other 3d platformer was refreshing and quite nice! Yes it was more janky but I loved to see the beautiful hills as I slid down one of them, so... 4/10.


The reset is an invisible wall to make the game harder. The entire point of the game is to be torture. The menu button for some reason doesn't work on chromebooks, but I tried. this was my very first game, so don't expect anything to be polished.