when trying to run the windows version i get a console window with this information, then it closes:
WARNING: FILEIO: [storage.data] Failed to open file WARNING: FILEIO: [storage.data] Failed to open file INFO: FILEIO: [storage.data] File not found, creating it INFO: FILEIO: [storage.data] File saved successfully INFO: FILEIO: [resources/egg.png] File loaded successfully INFO: IMAGE: [resources/egg.png] Data loaded successfully (32x32) INFO: Initializing raylib 3.0 WARNING: GLFW: Error: 65543 Description: WGL: OpenGL profile requested but WGL_ARB_create_context_profile is unavailable WARNING: GLFW: Failed to initialize Window Assertion failed! Program: C:\Users\Maksio\Downloads\Terri-Fried(1)\Terri-Fried.exe File: external/glfw/src/window.c, Line 509 Expression: window != NULL