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Morning scences: I totally agree, sounds great, keep it on high prio.

Transport scenes: Also high prio

Art: Personally, I like the look of MC. She is a pilot, and should look like one, not like a sex bomb. And why are 66% percent of the galaxy after her? Well, if you work on a space station, how many women do you see?

So, in my opinion, only do some technical stuff here (less glossy) or change things like highest makeup obligation, but keep her general look the same. Or if you go for a more female version, maybe let the player choose the model when starting the game.

Dress up/down: I like the slow approach of the game, although I often find myself speed-clicking through the scenes. I'm not sure whether the dress up system would be a great experience or an annoyance, so I would not give it a high prio at the moment, and I would add the possibility to deactivate it in the game settings.

If you implement the system, it should give you no opportunity to see a dressage that is not unlocked in a starport (like stripping fully nude and then redressing with the required clothes), I even would not allow to dress to a combination of obligations from several starports. Best is giving options like "change from worker boots to slippers".

Dynamic scenes: I like them, and kept reading them a little bit longer than I would read fully static scenes. I think you should go for semi-dynamic scenes: When having certain obligations, there are new lines that could show up. For example:

- Wearing a skirt,feel up scene: "The captain slides his hands under her skirt".

- Wearing makeup, makeout scene: "Her lips are smeared by MCs lip gloss."