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Sweet, thanks for letting me know! This makes me really happy, because it shows that the bonuses are really encouraging you to change your strategy. :)

I definitely agree about the balancing. One thing that bothers me is that like you said, once you reach the colonel level or general level, you feel like you're just a few steps away from certain victory. I'm happy with where captains and majors are. But the officers higher ranked than that need to tone down a bit.

My first inkling was to remove the subordinate bonus. It seems too powerful at higher ranks. But I also really like what it does, which is rewarding you for continuing to help lower ranked officers. What I could do instead is reduce the multiplier for the rank of the officer, since high ranking officers will get big subordinate bonuses, anyway. Your idea of the subordinate bonus only going down 1 rank is also really good, and I'll keep that in mind. But, I don't want to punish captains for not having clout 2 levels above (but maybe it makes sense, too).

Awesome, I'm glad you said it. I also had this impression, but I wasn't sure if I was just gaming what I already know about the system. If you and others also feel this way about the high ranking officers, then yeah, it's something that needs adjusting.