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Hi I encountered a weird bug, where if I appoint Ariel as the captain of Golden Leaf. From that point on I can't save, and it'll also delete the save file in the slot I try to save.

I tried to load an earlier save, everything is fine...When I appointed her as Captain again, I lost the ability to save again. I tried a few times and it always delete the save file instead.

Then when I progress and talked to Ariel and watched her scene, I can save again.

From this point on, I tried loading an earlier save, and reproduce the bug again...the bug doesn't show up anymore and I can save normally.

Not sure if this weird bug only exist in my computer or does it exist in all new save files. Atm I'm assuming the bug will only appear in new players and not anyone that already pass that scene.

Also really like this game so far, keep up the good work.