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Everything looks so raw that I simply offered help. 

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Thank you for your reply🤗 Yes, the storyline is already in place and all that is left is to make it. I will finish this as soon as possible😁👍

Maybe it's just not finished yet.

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That's what I mean,what I want to say is that he has conceived the framework, but he hasn't finished it

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You are free to write your own story here, if you wish.👍 The main story is simple so I can add many things to it. However, if you want to change the main story, I may not be able to implement it.

It will be pointless waste of time. If you need any help you can contact me at any time, but after reading those replies I think you've got this under control. I can only wish you more free time to implement everything you want in the game and, of course luck.