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First playthrough was a bit uneventful at the current chapter end, So I decided to start a second one where I'd go for the optimal romancing options. Things went unbelievably sideways and dark, but it was great storytelling.


Thank you for playing Summer Scent.

The "dark stuff" you encountered was probably the bad ending on the Dual Love path. It can be avoided with the correct choices.

There are 18 different paths in the game at the moment. There will be some other bad/early endings, but I'm pretty sure that none will be as dark as that one.


Hey, yeah I found a walkthrough to see where I went wrong lol, it's refreshing that the best choice doesn't always have the best outcome like most other games out there. I also think it's good to have some bad ends in there, makes the storytelling and emphasis on your choices feel a lot more Impactful. Went through and played a few of the other paths and had a blast. Excited to see where it goes In future updates and try different playthroughs.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked it !