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(2 edits)

Viability: Not too sure if it's my keyboard, at times when I jump into a wall for some reason I can't jump anymore. But overall playable, the space between platforms are realistic but still give players a little bit of challenge through implementation of glow effect and dangerous obstacles.

Presentation: The art is really cool! The choice of using monochrome really pop that light and shadow relationship, and also gave it a retro vibe. The background music is very soothing and atmospheric, allows the player to really experience what it feels like to be surrounded by the forest at night. Again love the art ;0;

Theme: A very cute and light-hearted concept of finding fur friends in the dark, and is well presented  through the level design and art/music. It's interesting how you made the cat, which is often depicted as timid, being the one out there looking for all its friends in the dark.

Engagement: The limited vision really kept players on their toes to avoid the thorny vines and moving snakes.

Other Comments: You had the lanterns have the ability to switch on/off, I wish there was more utilization to that. Otherwise it could've been on the whole time and it wouldn't have made any difference. Maybe when it's on it'll attract monsters (or anything that could do harm) towards you, so you have to turn it off when it's running to the player to stay safe. 

Overall a great game! Looking forward to see more games.

-Grace Shih