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i didn't take my meds today nooooooooooo

Fuck everything man

Fuck the cis

Fuck the hets

Fuck the neurotypicals

Fuck uh... rice

Fuck non beige / potato foods

I cannot do this today

I haven’t been taking my meds for centuries and I literally feel the exact same as I did with my meds. But my anxiety levels are higher. That’s pretty much it.

not ANXIETY meds

Its for my stupid brain

So i can do things like learn

and remember stuff

And function properly

And Pay attention 

And not cry when my friends yell 

Okay 👍 

bit i font jave that rn do ots like 

Im ljke

Normal Mw qnd it sucks yo

Im Like like

Totally burnt out and i havent even done anything excinting yet 
