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Hi again. Just wondering if the data for the loading of the cut scenes could be done with an external data file instead. For example the first line would be the application (with path) e.g. c:Riva. Then a second line with the switches. e.g. PIP etc. In this way, you could let the user specify the program and also their own preferences, and this takes the whole thing about the cut scenes out of your hands, it's up to the user to decide. 

Also forgot to mention, your intro animation only comes up if the game crashes for some reason, and maybe this is best to be loaded first? It goes on for a few seconds too long, as the game is loaded almost instantly, but the idea of having an introduction screen for your work is a good one. You could always make a separate icon for running the game straight to the main menu, and this might solve the black screen bug which causes the black screen on loading?