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Wow, thank you for this breakdown of how you did the art! As in my prior comment, I liked how the clowns all looked distinctive and unique and seeing the concept art and color testing is really interesting. I also appreciated the lack of a joking tone. I feel like there was already a good balance of cuteness the first time around, and I think telling the story by forcing the player to do things to progress with minimal verbiage was a really strong choice!

I also got a Rusty Lake feel from this game though I don't know if it was because of the similar point and click mechanics and creepiness or if it was something from the art style. 

I appreciate the lack of a time limit on anything, mostly because if you fail it if you want to continue playing a horror game you have to experience the entire game again and that makes it tedious instead of scary. I think it also helped the tension in this one for the player to have time to realize they were going to have to torture the clowns. (Though it might be a good creepy thing to panickedly destroy things you don't want to as well?)

 I didn't really think about the backstories of the clowns -- I did notice there was something odd in Miss Stretch's background photos, but the implication of whether this is a real girl/what happened before went over my head. But looking at the game overall, I felt like the visual elements were the right amount for the gameplay and story, and I felt like there was a good amount of variation so I didn't get bored.

 I feel like horror is a genre where often I don't feel like playing again, especially in the case where it has me doing something bad, and that's makes it a success in the genre's eyes. This was a satisfying story.