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Day 22, the gem's animation is finished :D the texture of the gems (and red platforms, green wall, rock throw) is done.

Here's the gif, which is in my opinion the least work done to it (for now at least :\  )

If you thought this is perfect loop, trust me its not.

The gems is more different shape for colorblind players (still don't know if this enough to claim it as colorblind friendly), the controls (attack and shoot) can be hold and still activating after a second it activated and the projectile is now rock, not arrow. I'm not gonna show the rest because it will take more seconds of footage.

And also I completely forgot to say this, but if you don't notice, I made the room smaller, its now 192 pixel wide and 128 pixel tall (or if a tile's length is 8 pixel, 24 tiles wide and 16 tiles tall). It limits the room's content and puzzle to work with, making it a bit easier and quicker for me to made and make a little more cramp feeling.

Now I'm working on the world's tiles and maybe more art for other thing to made, but its small and simple enough to not be a long pain to make.

My time for the game has increased overnight :) but someday will decreased overnight :( I can do more for the game now, still no inspiration but at least I made something.

Well that is all people, goodbye and will see you someday ;)