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Very nice game, its sad how short it is.

I'd love to see you expand on the game by adding different objective paths, this will probably give the game a lot more replayability.

try Underhand (on steam or mobile), its way simpler than this game, but it had a longer playtime for me (I did beat stacklands twice, first run was 36 moons and second run was 26, got all achivements except 2) mainly because the game has a series of objectives that you need to replay the game multiple times and beat each one in its own run.
Also underhand is a bit harder, i do lose quite often, which i think increases repliability. I beat stacklands on my first run and the only time i felt danger was when monsters spawned and i didn't have well equipped villagers.

perhpas add a more difficult mode, or add new forms of risk.

great game overall, love it.