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1. Your basic movement is there. Run, walk, and jump all feel fine. I think there needs to be more environmental stuff to traverse to really see what the movement system can do. 

2. The world did feel quite cluttered and I wasn't sure how far I could explore visually. I walked through the forest a bit but opening up the area a bit more and making it look like you can explore it a bit more would help the environment feel good.

3.  I think switching to a reticle of some sort for the throwing would be good. It is a very inconsistent throw and it's tough to judge the throwing arc a lot of the time. The sphere does generally show where it will land but the bounce of the projectiles makes it tough and the fire doesn't always register that the wood is around it. 

4. Health, how many bears you defeated, night count, and maybe fire strength would be good things to have on the HUD. Maybe some sort of mini map to help you navigate the terrain. Think those are good ones to look into putting in.

5. I think the bear spawning and bear combat are the big things to get the game going. Increasing the bear size I think is a good start because I was expecting some Cabela's Dangerous Hunts level of bear where they are big and mean death dealers. I think implementing damage systems for both player and bear is what you need. Bear combat seems to be a big part of this game and I've been looking forward to that the most.

Excited to see what you guys got coming up in future updates.

-Micco Estrada