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Yeah no problem. :)

Just send me how many characters you want and how detailed you want 'em to be and I'll start cranking some stuff out. It might be a little bit as I'm finishing up school these and next week but beyond that, it won't take more than a week.

just the male and female giants 

David, cory, Bruce 

A bf the 3 giantesses that’s all 

So just six characters, David, Cory, Bruce and the three giantess or just the guys? Do the giantess have names and are the guys each of their boyfriends? And just checking the dudes are giant too right?

I do know they have names I just forgot them and you can decide if they were all dating or not 

Wouldn't it important for me to have their names or no?

Eh it’s ok just the 3 gisnt men then 

