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(2 edits) (+1)

Great game!,  i really like this art style of almost 2.5d and the player looking like its made out of paper when it turns around. Great music and level design overall great game.  also i found a little bug that i can't replicate on demand but i think if an enemy attacks me and i face a wall or drink a health potion

right before i die i respawn at spawnpoint with 0 lives and after  that if i get attacked my lives count goes into the negatives and i dont die ,Also happens when i tab out with the game running, 

Restarting fixes it though very fun game.

Thanks, dude. I also had that bug when I was making the GIFs for the itch page, I think I'm stupid and I checked if it is equal to zero not if it's smaller or equal to zero, but it's too late now to fix it. I'm glad to hear that you like it!