Day 19, I'm now focused on the animations. Thought it will be a lot pain, turns out it only a little bit of pain (unless I go to all things must be big and animated thing)
So, here is the gif, I screen record it so it a little bit weird and laggy feel, and also that 'ss' thing, somehow it exist, I don't know what happen. sorry :(
or just look at the png version, this is 3 times the original size.
The animation of the player for now is really just idle, run, and jump. The rest is on the way.
This is already big for me, the idle and run are easy, jump is a bit more, it will be like this (not important, you can skip to 'Done Explaining').
1. When jump is started and the player goes up, it will play the first 2 frame (from the bottom set of frames);
2. Then when player starts falling, it plays frame 3,4, and 5;
3. After frame 5, it plays frame 6 and 7;
4. When the player land, it will play the rest of the frames before play the idle animation
Done Explaining, don't understand that? Its okay, it is not important anyway :)
Now about the attack, still making the structure because there are no such thing as dash attack animation, even if they exist, it might not fit with the player's dagger dash.
About the shooting, not even planned yet. But most likely just pebble throw, I change shooting arrow to throwing rocks.
I still care about this game alright, trust me. I'm absent for days just to make the game's prototype.
Well that's all people, goodbye and see you tomorrow ;)