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okay I'm back

okay :)

who're you going to use?

Uhm how about my new character!

Idk if y’all do descriptions anymore but Imma put hers

Name: Alisha Harleson

Nickname(s): Ali

Gender: Female 

Age: 17

Date Of Birth: 4/12/2004

Sibling(s): Sally, and Martin

Species: Human but has that cute thing your born with when yiur born with elf ears

Native Language: English

Accent: British

Languages Spoken: English, French, and Spanish

Sexuality: Bi

Zodiac: Aries 

Hobbies: Drawing

Fears: Clowns, Spiders, Xylophones

Allergies: Pollen, Dust, and Zebra fur (Funny story with the Zebra fur)   

Friends: Maxi, Leona, and Joseph

Likes: Spaghetti, Frogs, Pink, and her family

Dislikes: her siblings sometimes :)

I'll use Hymine (hyee mine)

alright you start or me

you can if you want?


Alisha is at the park forced to watch her 10 year old little brother

Hymine was just taking a walk just to get out of the house