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Given your answer on the Halloween/Christmas content - does the latest version inc for timelude the entire game except for such time-sensitive content, or do you have to play 0.1, then 0.2, etc. to get the whole story? Are new characters introduced in the Halloween release contained only in that release, or can they continue to play a part in the story in future releases?

Similar question - if saves from version 0.x cannot be used with version 0.(x+1), do you have to rebuild your group/characters from scratch with each release?

The game is under development, which means that we are still doing quests and in each new version you will receive new content. If you've played 0.4 but want to skip content from 0.4 and go straight to 0.8 content, we've added a "New Game+" section where you can skip quests. This is very handy to keep track of new content in the game.

About the characters. The same characters will play in the main game, only their skin will change.

You cannot use saves from older versions, but you can skip quests that were completed in previous versions. For example: In version 0.7 there were 14 quests in total. In version 0.8 you can skip all 14 quests and go straight to the new quests. To do this, use the section "New game +"