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You ever have a fear that feels so out of place that people might think you're weird if you tell them? Have you ever gone out late to get milk, only to feel like you're being watched the whole time? If either of these are true (or both, I'm not judging you), then you've come to the right simulator....

Anatidaephobia is a game where you learn the true meaning of fear; it's something we all must come to learn, whether you're ready for it or not. Take on the role of the unnamed protagonist leaving in your one bedroom/living room/kitchen apartment as you take on the daunting task of going to get milk late at night. Seems simple right? Well, you can feel those eyes crawling down your spine as the honks of the night echo in your head

All in all, it's a game that teaches us that even the silliest little fears, are really just stop reading this review and run, it's not safe and they know where you live

My playthrough: