Thanks for your answer!
It does make sense, but obviously more from the server side than the client side. I recognise that the business of running the server is harder than that of being a client though :)
I don't always have super reliable internet access (hence, in part, how long it's taken me to reply) and I would much rather be able to access files locally when I want them rather than have to wait until I have a reliable connection. I'm less concerned about playing the most current version of a game than in having access to the game I want not be subject to the whims of crappy local internet. I'm just guessing, but I suspect it would also be a hassle at the server end to have me constantly retrying when connections drop out.
I'd be OK to have some sort of deprioritised status for background or bulk downloads, especially for bundles. I totally take the point about the surges created by bundles, and I wouldn't want to deter anyone from fundraising for important causes.
Failing that, just having an option on this client that just downloads the install archive rather than actually installing the game would be OK.
I appreciate you taking the time to engage - I hope this helps explain my side of things.