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Deleted 2 years ago

Wow, anything else you would like to demand?

Just use the DigiSeabass easily found in the Net Ocean map and boom, your digimon is 30 years younger, and their skin will have never seen better days.

The pink fish solely boost hapiness, while other fishes may change your stats. If you want a non-changing specific stat while boosting hapiness, pink fish is the way to go. Reducing 1 year while having the seabass easily avaiable was silly anyway.

The game is constantly changing for the better, and the amount of content we get and ways to really challenge players, from mostly one person, is unreal. And you can play it for FREE. 

Playing since day 1 and putting hundreds of hours into the game for a dumb, disrespectful rant like that?

Somehow I don't buy it.