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DAY 78

Howdy, guys and girls. Hope y'all doing as great as possible. Me, I'm back at it again with an update on the project.

So I've been on again off again working on the Forest level, replacing some assets here and there, making gameplay adjustments and so on. Kind of secretly delaying working on wall climbing and swimming and fixing bugs, but I'll eventually get to that...eventually...

There's still a lot of work to be done, a lot of things to be added and a lot of modifications to be made. First and foremost, I've added a small, make-shift pier with a hut. This would serve as the very beginning of the level, as you'd be arriving in this level via Paraglider.

This pier section would be just for exploration and some exposition purposes. There are two huts (one of them still needs to be worked on) and a toilet, just for fun. Complete with toilet paper.

Inside the first hut there are some computers. I'm not telling why exactly there are computers in a pier near a forest, except that it leaves some story bits for the player to discover.

I've completely replaced the grey tree trunks with a fallen log mesh, just to have a feel about how this level would look. I've also completely replaced all ramps with the bridge blueprint.

So as you can see, work has progressed pretty far in this level. Not up to snuff, tho. I haven't exactly figured out the gameplay: it might be more exploration oriented, it might have some puzzles in it, I don't know yet. But from what I've played, something like solving puzzles to progress to the next area feels right.

Lastly I would actually make a change in how I present the devlog to you guys. In the past few weeks, I've been working on the project bit by bit without updating the devlog. Sometimes literally working just 15 minutes per day, like no joke. Of course, working 15 mins a day doesn't result in a devlog-worthy entry. So naturally, I've decided that devlog entries would be a weekly thing, not a per-day entry. It makes more sense to me both time wise and content wise. Plus I'd have a more balanced work-life-passion project-hobby thing. Hope you guys would also enjoy it in this format.

So that's kind of it for today, guys. See ya in the next post. Bye!