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(1 edit) (+6)

This fangan has some of the best design, technical prowess, and story flow that I've seen in any fangan, and I've played/read dozens. Diverging from the DR art style is a bold choice, but the chosen art style is very endearing. The backgrounds/UI design is also exquisite, and the grandeur of each location seems to blend in well with the simple yet eye-catching character designs. All the dialogue and narration was clear, concise, and easy to understand, and the flow between story events felt natural. 

My only gripe is that the last two chapters felt unsatisfying. There were some topics left unexplained that I felt should have been clarified in order for the plot to be coherent. I felt like the resolutions to the mysteries left holes that make the earlier points of the story make less sense in retrospect.

However, my experience playing the game was still overwhelmingly positive, and I recommend it to anybody else who likes good mystery and emotional drama. One of the best fangans.