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(1 edit) (+3)

For: Bernard , Ste , Logan , Roushk , Blake - thick voice ( 7 deadly sins -Scanor )

 For: Scar , Durling , No Name , Bonner a Grave voice (Vin Diesel) 

For: Everett, Feliar, Gunnar, Groth, Roth a voice of some Guard or Police not very serious not very sharp (Ban -7 deadly sins)

 For:  Xero, Arion A sharp voice (Natsu Fairy Tail or Tanjiro's - Demon Slayer) For : The Orcs the voices of Warkraft Thick voices

 To : Rosa , Madeline , Othrha any slightly soft female voice . 

by londel isekai where they look muscular I only know one is a BL called "The Bride of the Titan"


Oh I haven't watched 7DS in a LONG time (lost interest) but I can kinda still hear Escanor.. nice.

The Bride of the Titan... I looked it up, lol I only recognize the sex scene that I saw on Twitter, didn't know it was from that anime..

Deleted 2 years ago