I'm using love2d and the EffekseerForLove plugin. EffekseerForLove has a custom TextureLoader for Effekseer to be able to load the textures using the love filesystem, and the error messages come from there. Here's an example love2d program that loads *.efk from a directory (hardcoded to SC-Astrology as an example), so you could see all the warnings for each file:
local effekseer = require('effekseer') local manager local effects = {} local handle function love.load(args) love.window.setMode(1280, 800) -- Pass in true to print warnings, remove true to raise an error instead. manager = effekseer.newEffectManager(true) local path = 'SC-Astrology' local k, v for k, v in ipairs(love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path)) do if v:sub(-4) == '.efk' then print("Loading: " .. v) table.insert(effects, manager:newEffect(path .. '/' .. v)) end end end local tot_dt = 0 local idx = 1 function love.update(dt) tot_dt = tot_dt + dt if tot_dt >= 1 then tot_dt = tot_dt - 1 print("FPS: " .. love.timer.getFPS()) end -- Play the next effect if none are playing. if not handle or not manager:exists(handle) then handle = manager:play(effects[idx]) manager:setLocation(handle, 640, 400) idx = idx + 1 if idx > #effects then idx = 1 end end manager:update(dt) end function love.draw() -- Draw all effects using the manager manager:draw() end
You need to run love with the EffekseerForLove plugin in the LUA_CPATH though, so it's not as straightforward as running other love2d programs. Let me know if you want to get it setup and need a hand!