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Day 10, I officially give up about the coin issue, I'm just gonna make the player being restored at the checkpoint instead of the time being restarted thing. Now that is out, now I talk about the lever and the moving platform.

Here's a very short gif

The lever when pulled down, the platform moves, that's it. The moving platform can be made to move without the lever, these are only for platforming purpose. The lever can be made for something else entirely like for door, or new thing.

Now I'm sorry I didn't really make innovative or cool designs, but I hit a idea block, I don't have any ideas, the idea storage is empty. I planned for stairs, but it didn't really work out. Maybe I find a random generator, combining other people's design to a new good one, or even go out for a while and get ideas in the process, all this are possible.

Well, that actually all people, good bye and will see you tomorrow