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I seem to be stuck in the mission “hooking up”.

I’m stuck in the cafeteria. The hints say wait one hour, but the date/time button is unclickable.

Is there a key binding for waiting?


do you have any other quests active?

I do, I kind of figured it out. I started the cafeteria investigation during the dream sequence with Kate and the other cheerleaders that involved hiding under a desk.

I just had to reload a save from an hour or so ago, and skip through everything until I got to that part.

ah, okay. glad it got resolved!


I made an account just for this. YOU NEED TO HAVE COMPLETED THE QUEST “TABLE MANNERS” OR YOU CANNOT COMPLETE HOOKING UP.  You will get soft locked and your only hint is “wait 1 hour”, it’s a simple bug but can wreak havoc if you have to reload a far away save like this guy had to. After the dream involving Kate but more specifically the one with Jo’s moment of depravity, you can then complete Hooking up. I looked for guides and answers for nearly an hour because Maxine is by far my favorite and I had to see this shit through. I dealt with the frustration so anyone else doesn’t have to.


could you please send the busted save file to jotapê#5380 on discord so i can try to fix this issue? it should be stored in your
C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AnotherChance-1581295674 folder