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- Lot of fun to play! I'm not familiar with visual novels but they're almost like choose your own adventure games!

- Music can be hard to fit the tone when the tone changes in the narrative but it's still nice background music.

- Annoying to have to go back in to ask different questions (I personally like to explore the entire tree of options while I'm talking to an NPC) but I see why you didn't do that.

- Seems like it would be hard to figure it out first try. I guess like most choose your own adventures you would have to fail many times before you can figure it out. So this trial and error gameplay is baked into the design.

- I read it and skipped quickly but then wanted to go back but couldn't.

- Like that you can skip the intro, was thought out to be replayed but a restart button also would have been good.

- Would have been awesome if you could have used a visual novel engine like Renpy [ ] or the other ones out there [ ]. I'm sure it was a bit annoying to use Unity.

- I had to take notes because I couldn't remember all the details needed.

- I won't spoil anything but I thought the story was very creative and I was surprised, to say the least! Well done!